Rather than taking place in a school, the story happens on an online chat server. The visual novel is not inherently about academia.
While you may not be longing for all the homework, you may be missing the routine of school and all the good times that come with it.Ĭapture the ambiance and rekindle school vibes, while still enjoying the free time of summer vacation, with these academic-themed visual novels!īlooming Panic by robobarbie is a free visual novel that was originally released for Otome Jam 2021 and expanded in its Full Bloom edition. While you’re bathing in the sunlight and eating ice cream by the pool, a gnawing feeling might creep up.

Once you leave that radius, the mission concludes.School is out for the summer! Time to put away the notebooks, close the study guides, and sell those old textbooks online. The area is indicated by a gray circle on the map. Then it's time to leave the vicinity before someone detects the intrusion and comes searching for you. Once you have successfully hacked the OS, a brief phone conversation follows. Then finish up by hacking the Loop Control Center, located on the ceiling directly ahead. One is to the left, while two are on boxes to the right. Here in the server room, there are three video files that you can access, positioned along the server boxes. When you have the current properly lined up along several such routes, you will gain access to a camera positioned in the servers. That will give you 15 seconds of signal, so if all the other pieces are lined up, you can move to the lock in the upper right corner and disable it. In the last phase, you will want to line up most of the pieces, and then you can twist the one that is surrounded by a red glow. You do so by moving the cursor over the diamond-shaped boxes and pressing the indicated button to turn the shapes at the middle. In the mini-game, you need to move the currents so that they connect to the locks. You can press the button to hack that box, by way of a mini-game. If it's the one you need, the word "Intrude" will be available while you are within range. Now, you should be able to see a wall with a fuse box of sorts attached. Hack into the camera he is carrying on his person. Hacking the phone will cause a guard to come over to take a look. You can hack it to play sounds, which you should do now. Positioned on some nearby crates is a smartphone with a vulnerability. One is carrying a hidden camera as he patrols the area. Head back out to the camera at the top of the stairs. You'll immediately bring up the next objective. A quick glance shows that he has the phone you need to hack. When you hack over to that camera, you'll see a guy standing near a pile of boards. That one to the left is the one you need. At this new angle, you can see both the camera you just left and one to the left that is easy to miss. From there, look back the direction you came. Hack into another one at the top of the stairs, and then hack into one that is located left from the top of those stairs. Now hack the camera over the guard's head. You can leapfrog around the cameras outside the facility, until one positioned on a high pole provides a view of an armed guard with explosives, standing outside the building near the base of an interior set of stairs. Start by looking for a camera near the front gate, or along one of the sides of the building. You can try to run and gun, but you have equipment that makes that approach unnecessary and you might as well use it.
Your job now is to find a guard with the access code so you can safely get inside. When you get close to the campaign point, you'll be outside a restricted facility and an objective will appear, even if you're driving a car on the street. Outside, you can now select "Backstage Pass" on the map, which is handy because that's the mission you're actively trying to complete. If you want, you can equip it right then and there to rob the store, taking back your $1200 from the register before you leave. The 416 costs $1200, which shouldn't be a problem if you've been looting innocent pedestrians' savings accounts with your elite hacking skills.

Inside, you can press the button indicated to make a purchase. Head into the shop that is directly ahead of you once you reach the map point. Your job now is to purchase a specific weapon, even if you don't think you'll need it. When you head to the campaign point on the map called "Foresight," you'll find yourself standing in front of a gun shop. You will be facing tougher resistance soon, so the game sets you up to improve your arsennal. Watch Dogs Guide > Walkthrough > Act I: Backstage Pass